Once again it's been a while since there were any new posts on here. This is because our visitor numbers tail off dramatically during holiday periods, but for those of you who are still making the effort to check in (thank you!), here's a list of new reports / research from the past few weeks. Rest assured that more regular updates will start again in September when the new term begins.
- Unleashing Aspiration is a new report from the Cabinet Office which investigates how social mobility can be improved in the UK, to give people from all classes the opportunity to achieve their full potential
- Ofsted have published a short report entitled The Impact of Integrated Services on Children and their Families in Sure Start Children’s Centres
- The House of Commons Children, Schools and Family Committee urges changes to disciplinary procedural procedures in Allegations Against School Staff
- SCIE have produced Think Child, Think Parent, Think Family: a Guide to Parental Mental Health and Child Welfare
- Safeguarding Children: A Review of Arrangements in the NHS for Safeguarding Children is a new report from the Care Quality Commission
- Ofsted have also published Support for Care Leavers, an investigation into which strategies and services can help these individuals to make successful transitions into adulthood and independence
The rest of the reports listed here are all from the DCSF:
- Outreach to Children and Families: a Scoping Study examines the impact of extended services within Sure Start Children's Centres
- Impact of Family Breakdown on Children's Wellbeing is a review of relevant literature published between 2002 and 2007; very useful as a source of references if you have an interest in this area!
- International Perspectives on Parenting Support looks at evidence from other countries (Denmark, France, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands) to suggest ways of improving practice in England
- Safeguarding Children from Emotional Abuse - What Works? is a useful research brief