The latest issue of OnTheWeb (see previous post for details) is as usual a goldmine of information for finding out what's been going on in the childcare and education sector. Here's a few highlights from the newsletter which should be of use to some of you:
- Freedom's Consequences is a report on reducing teenage pregnancies in the UK
- The Commission for Social Care Inspection has just published Supporting Disabled Parents: A Family or a Fragmented Approach
- Those of you with an interest in the education of refugee or EAL children may want to look at What Works in Migrant Education? A Review of Evidence and Policy Options, a report from the OECD which looks at the issue from an international perspective
- The Children's Rights Alliance has published What do they Know? Investigating the Human Rights Concerns of Children and Young People Living in England
- Cost of Schooling 2007 presents a very detailed picture of all the expenses involved in putting a child through full time education
- Finally, the DCSF has recently published Healthy Lives, Brighter Futures, which outlines the government's strategy for improving children and young people's health